Sunday 12 January 2014

Hickory Dickory Dock...

...The mouse ran up the clock, over the top, down the back, out of the house and up The Lane... he ran...and time span away, the hands on the clock turned and wheeled...sometimes whirring round so fast I lost sight of the time and the day. In the kitchen sits the Tardis, fashioned by a little hand. I have need of it, the Tardis. I could usher you in and we could travel back to Christmas, to Birthdays and a Wedding since last we were together...
Time spent in anticipation is achingly slow...tick~tock.
Suddenly everything you were day dreaming about is real, and you reel, dizzy in the midst of all the joy and the sparkle...
On Boxing day we walked on Dartmoor and, high up, discovered a Christmas tree decorated with tinsel and red baubles, imagine! Somehow the decorations were still attached to the tree despite the horrific weather in the preceding days.Sometimes you find yourself together alone. My brother took this picture, I am looking at my own pictures and time stands still, rewinds just for a moment.
Whilst I write, intermittently, I look up and out of the window. Across the garden, the hedge, the orchard, Home Field towards the Lane. I like the layers. The beech hedge, the fences beyond, the crab apples. The winter flowering cherry is studding the foreground with tiny white stars and the light is pinkish. Time slows, heart beats steady.
"There is a man haunts the forest, that hangs odes upon the hawthorns, and elegies on the brambles..."

Shakespeare, As You Like It, Act 3, Scene 2
who's typing on the void
too many stories
they're twelve stones
hitting the clockface
twelve swans
flying out of winter
Bei Dao
So, let us reset. 

Hello 2014! Happy New Year to you all. 
I am full of resolve to do so much this year...
a blank page awaits
how wonderful...shall we begin?


  1. A belated but very Happy new year to you.
    Love the idea of someone taking Christmas decorations up to dress a tree on Dartmoor.
    Lisa x

  2. Happy New Year fellow absentee blogger:) I've been missing from the ranks also for several weeks and have just got back into gear again. Let's hope we both stay on track now:)

  3. Happy New Year
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  4. A Happy New Year to you as well!

    Madelief x

  5. A lovely post Sarah. Happy New Year, look forward to reading your posts. Jayne


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