At last I have time for some jolly-fication, adornment and embellishment of my kitchen here down the Lane.
Hmm, first on my hit list, the sideboard that houses my china.
Take some cheap red baubles from Sainsbogs and tie onto some raffia, voila!

That was fun!
Now these sparkly fellas were recycled from last year's presents, my Magpie tied them onto all our presies!
I have included them especially for the sweet and generous
Michela, Little Secrets from my garden. You are so kind Michela x

Oh, and I used to make these sequin puddings to sell and give as presents but they became so expensive to make I haven't made any this year!
Looks pretty in this vintage red goblet.

A little more fiddling over here

That'll do now Sarah!

Next the old fashioned, coloured flower lights!
Yay, I really like these they make me very happy indeed!

And then I walk with Mr. Buster Boodle along the Lane and am reminded at just how brilliantly nature festoons and decorates.

Simply beautiful.
You can see some gorgeous hand crafted natural decs
here at
Elspeth Thompsons Blog.
Have a lovely decorative week x