Gladiator ready?

Woke up early....much to do...first trot around turning on fairy lights and quietly cooing at nice things glittering

I may have given some enticing things a quick shake~squeeze as I passed...
Oh, and then there were the gifts that couldn't wait and were duly unwrapped with the beady eyes of Godchildren upon me~thank you darlings -x-
Some beautiful artworks have been created
And this amazing Christmas Tree man was made especially for Mr.Lane by his Godson~as you can see it is a triumph!

I have "J'Olivered" the "get ahead gravy", Wally Ladded the trifle and about to make a start on the bread sauce...

Thank you for visiting the Lane ~ may I wish you a very Merry Christmas and here's to a happy, healthy 2012.

With Love
Sarah-Jane Down the Lane
ps Olympic training starts in January, can't be too specific on the date yet...will keep you posted -x-