When I got up at cockcrow this morning, I stood at the top of the stairs and gazed in sleepy amazement at the rose tinted sunrise. The air was suffused with pink particles of light -
I felt as though I were wearing rose coloured spectacles.
I grabbed my camera and started shooting through the window in my desperation to capture the rosy sheen.

I jabbered all about it over breakfast while Mr. Lane tried to concentrate on the latest news about the European debt crisis.
When I got dressed I decided to camouflage myself without meaning to!
I give you proof!
Mr.Lane obliged with the following incriminating shots of me blending in with Autumns finest tawny pinks and cinnamon swirls.

Now I must confess that I am not a great dried flower exponent but nonetheless I find myself strangely drawn to their crisp tawny faded edged beauty - it's that letting go of summer moment. I love to see seed pods in the frost and snow, especially the umbellifers - cow parsley and yarrow. I am cutting hydrangeas to dry for Christmas, loving the myriad soft colours blended on their heads.
Planning wreaths and garlands, wondering about cutting up leaves from books like funky junky art

And so yes, as usual I am looking at the world through my rose colored specs and am more than happy with the view! I really must snap out of this flowery reverie and apply myself to choosing curtain fabric! I think I know what colour palette I might be in!
Still looking through these beauties I thought I would leave you with this gorgeous shot of the London Eye

My heartfelt thanks to all of you for your kind comments on the stitching, I am a little bowled over and so very grateful that you took the time to stop and tell me your thoughts, thank you x
Have a lovely weekend wont you?
Sarah xXx
Have a lovely weekend wont you?
Sarah xXx