Thursday 24 November 2011

Midwinter Fair

Such a lovely morning spent visiting the Wealden Times Midwinter Fair held in the walled garden at Bedgebury Pinetum.

Can you imagine my delight (knowing my Zhivago obsession) when the very first thing I laid eyes on was this wonderful green Russian Troika, a snip at 895 gorillas!
I am streaming with cold and really fancied a snuggle - luckily I managed to restrain myself.
Inside there were treasures aplenty - here are some of my favourites
 I should have bought this lovely red felt bag - when I went back it was gone...
This one is for you Michele at Cowboys...
Caroline Zoob's stand was as inspirational as ever - really taken with those red and green velvet cushions...
lovely dried hydrangeas spilling out in every direction
Some stunning sparkles - vintage baubles in antique rose and silver and floating tea-lights in a galvanised basin, heavenly

Nutley antiques was was wonderful too - lots of pewter and gorgeous china pieces

Foxhole antiques is going to be having a follow up visit from me - my goodness some antique mirrored stockings and bells to hang from the tree, mantle as a present embellishment...mmm, really good.
 And that was my lot as it began to fill up and I took my leave...with the pretty jug from Nutley Antiques and a gorgeous vintage fabric shade that I will show you soon! If you are in Kent or East Sussex it's well worth a visit but get their early if you can.

It's beginning to look the teensiest bit like C*******S!
Hope you enjoyed all the fun of the fair,
Love Sarah 

Wednesday 23 November 2011

All things bright and beautiful...

All creatures great small...
What an ethereal selection of weather we have been experiencing here on our Lane hill-top.
We are in a becalmed lull, mornings start still and foggy. We can barely see across the Lane to Dangerfield.
Then, very slowly the sun gets up in a weekend"ish" way.(No rush.) Yawning it's way above Theo (nickname for the old oak.) The mist rises revealing a glorious big sky.
and the beasties! 
I love the cows and sheep we are sharing the Lane fields with - I am learning to differentiate and notice their individual characters.
I am delivering on a promise I made to my faraway SIL to show you the gang!
Enough of the creatures - now for the brightness.
The colours are wonderful
This is my favourite tree -yes I do have favourite trees, this one is often patted and hugged.
The roses are flowering again! They are magnificent especially this glorious one.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw how many blooms were out - I had to bring some inside
 Amazing how the simple things can make your heart sing x

Friday 18 November 2011

Best before...

I wonder who decides when something is no longer useful?
What criteria? When it is no longer fashionable perhaps, wear and tear, no longer fit for purpose, health and safety (aaarghhhhh!)
I find myself marvelling at the things people have thrown away - we live in a terrifyingly disposable age.
I know that many of you feel the way that I do - a treasure found in a junk shop or car-boot makes my heart soar, knowing that you will re-purpose it and give it another life beyond it's original.One man's junk is another man's treasure...
Yesterday Mr.Lane decided it was an "away-day". (Unexpected day out - impromptu, impulsive mission!). Our destination - Salvage Yards. Now this is all a little more ambitious than my usual charity shop rummages! But Oh! I had the best time.... I am such a romantic at heart, I found myself creating life stories for all the tired old objects, imagining grand former lives for them all...the patina and flaked paint on these Victorian columns had me twirling.

Here we are in action...
Tee hee - I am humming the theme tune as we speak!
Love Steptoe and son xXx