Getaway ~ an act or instance of getting away, a place suitable for a vacation, a place away from home where you can relax.........
And boy do we need this? Overwhelmed lately by our work schedules, too much to do ~ not enough hours in the day syndrome.
So here we are, a lovely bright faced pink rose greets us. Hmm, I must prettify...........
I am so sun drenched and dredged in Portugese colour I am simply bursting to share it all with you dear reader.
Not too much commentary from me just lots of pictures to give you a flavour, hope that's OK?

Love the scrubby wildflower strewn hillsides and the sand dunes peppered with sea pinks or thrift not sure which.

Had such a lovely beach combing session, loving the thrift in every sense, I collected pink things
And in true Tony Hart style here is my picture...... I think it is a pink sea garden!
The Fisherman's cafe on the beach is a favourite spot, the green and red combo along with those gingham table-cloths just make me smile. I find myself happily snapping away and humming to myself, some of the old leather skinned fishermen look up at me suspiciously...... I giggle and am rewarded with the hint of a smile.
The early evening light changes the atmosphere, the activity ceases, the air cools and I imagine I could be anywhere in the world.

More gorgeous colours.
Walking home.......
Love these

This is a tiny chapel perched on top of the cliff above the fisherman's beach.

One Morning we wake and the weather looks a little unpromising so we take ourselves off for an exploration of the Fort at Silves.
lovely cobbled streets, tumbled stones laid as pavement.

We thought he made pretty effective doorman

We thought he made pretty effective doorman
I annoyed several people by loitering too long by these wonderful gates, sorry!

I love orange trees.....
..........and poppies

On leaving the Fort at the highest point of the town I spotted this wonderful outdoor room.

What an incredible spot to entertain in! Hmm, must show Mr. Lane this and see if he could build something similar in the garden!

When looking for somewhere to snooze in the sun, always remember that someone may be lurking with a camera!

I adore old Portugese architecture, the tiles, the balconies, double height doors, windows framed by colourful painted borders.........

I love orange trees.....

On leaving the Fort at the highest point of the town I spotted this wonderful outdoor room.
What an incredible spot to entertain in! Hmm, must show Mr. Lane this and see if he could build something similar in the garden!
When looking for somewhere to snooze in the sun, always remember that someone may be lurking with a camera!
Tavira, wonderful grand old town, crumbling plaster, amazing tiles simply bursting with charm.
Let the love affair commence.
I adore old Portugese architecture, the tiles, the balconies, double height doors, windows framed by colourful painted borders.........
Intoxicated by it all I think I went a bit mad!

Climbing up narrow streets towards the castle wonderful courtyards opened up

Once at the top these slightly unpromising gates
But no, stepping inside the most wonderful and surprising garden within the old castle walls, Mr. Lane shouted " hurry up! You are going to love this!"

Once at the top these slightly unpromising gates

I did!

Love this rose, red fading out to pink on the older blooms
Who's that scruffy little herbert?

Mr.Lane's favourite beach for your delectation and delight

Love this rose, red fading out to pink on the older blooms

Mr.Lane's favourite beach for your delectation and delight