I have lost count of the number of times I have dragged you around Perch Hill with me.
Sorry about that but, in my defence, it is never the same!
The garden evolves and develops each year and I for one am always delighted by either some tiny new detail or the larger landscaping projects.
I love the subtle changes to The Oast Garden, the tulip combinations in the Long Toms are, this year my favourite ever.
The new rose garden, situated in the old courtyard where the cold frames and a wonderful old wisteria lived is fantastic, and to see it mature over the coming seasons will be a joy.
Shall we have a wander?

I could write reams and reams but somehow feel you wouldn't be any better informed than you are for looking. I will add one thing...I am happy to report the old wisteria I mentioned, has been dug out and replanted, I have it on very good authority!
The next open day is Saturday 30th May, more details here .