Saturday 22 January 2011

Marcasite morning

Outside the world is frozen and silent ~ tiny crystals stud the surface of everything in sight.
Jack frost has been at work coating the countryside with icy beads all has become mineralised.
The light is soft and milky everything that is familiar looks magical and heightened.
Come with us (Mr.Boodle and I)
as we step out onto the crunchy grass, each blade edged with icy beading.

Come and see this rock salted frozen landscape.

The fence posts have been blanched and dusted with diamonds they are pale and magical, softly glinting in the difused morning light.
Barbed wire becomes decorous caked in its frosting.

Turning for home we see a kiss in the hedgrow

Home field has been turned to bone, ossified and ivory white.

Straight on to an art class where Virginia has grouped this lovely little cluster of natural coloured objects for us to draw as a warm up exercise!

Hmm, that lovely wooden horse fills me with a stab of fear..... I can't draw horses

But I do!

Enjoy your weekend


  1. Lovely.
    Nothing but rain here. Time to welcome Jack Frost once more this winter.

  2. I can feel the nip in the air just looking. It's been really bitter here, but nothing so stunning to look at. Wonder what your hourse looked like?


  3. Still wet up here in Suffolk, oh how I am longing for that crispness back here. Disasters due to the weather this week have included the beet harvester very nearly getting stuck in the wet fields!
    Oh for the cold, crisp days of winter to return.
    Enjoy your sparkly winter wonderland.

  4. What a beautiful posting! Hope you thawed yourself sufficiently to hold a pencil to draw that horse!

  5. Such beautiful photos! So heartwarming.

    Popped over from Charlotte's blog!

    P.s. I'm a Sarah-Jane too, but just go by 'Sarah'!

    Hugs, Sarah x

  6. Nothing better than a walk in the brisk air and hearing the crunch underfoot.

    Beautiful photos.

  7. Sarah-Jane, lovely photo's. When we took our dog out this morning, our part of the garden of England wasn't anything like as frosty freezy. We never fail to say on our walk how lucky we are to live in such glorious countryside. Is that the Kentish Maid in me speaking I wonder?

  8. I love to see a British take on snow and ice....beautiful

  9. Hello, Sarah-Jane, down the lane! What a perfect morning. I just love how you and I see eye to eye on that "what is magic" thing. =] The morning light on home field is so beautiful!

    Love, Katy Noelle

  10. Beautiful photography. Love the ones of the fence line. I would love to take an art class like that. I bet you draw horses just fine :)

  11. Oh Sarah don't you know there is no such word as can't! Thank you for sharing your frosty ramble.
    Have a happy week.
    Jo x

  12. oohhh pretty pretty photos, I need to take a stroll on Hampstead Heath I feel a little city bound.

  13. Amazing pics, I just love the frosty weather! Hope you enjoyed your art class.


  14. Breath-taking as usual, Sarah Jane down the lane.

    Thanks for sharing


  15. i love the poetry in your words and pictures ♥

    so beautiful.

  16. Fabulous frosty photos, beautiful!

  17. Beautiful words accompanied with beautiful imagery! Lovely :) x


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