Monday, 11 August 2014

Sun lit...

We float down sunlight streets
And let our hair get stuck
On our fingertips
Weeds whisper
Coaxing us to the grass
Wrapping their way through our toes
Slick pebbles weigh down your pockets
I braid sunshine into your hair
You’re glittering

I sew sunshine onto your skin
Ribbons that glow warm
The hum of the wind
Catches on your breath

Butterfly, butterfly
What an amazing string of summer days we are having... set with a sapphire drenching courtesy of Bertha...
All these images are from my "Summertime...." board on pinterest
The poem isn't credited, I found it on the i gigi general store pinterest page I'd love to know who penned it, any ideas?
with love from a sun drenched, wind swirled Lane!


  1. A beautiful post on such a varied weather week. Have a wonderful weekend x

  2. Beautiful poem.
    But what I want to know is.... What did you think of the new Dr?!!
    Loved the episode here, am planning on watching it again before this weeks so I can see if there is anything I missed the first time round.
    Lisa x


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