Tuesday 22 April 2014

On reflection...

...I should have walked further...
 Thank goodness ( before I edited this post I had rather appropriately, yet unwittingly, written thank Godness! )Mr.Lane dragged me, my chocolate choked body and my chocolate crazed labradog across Ashdown Forest yesterday.

On reflection, yes, I should have walked further, eaten less, imbibed less...But I wouldn't change the laughter or the company...and I didn't need the chocolate for either of those things to be true.
The walking was good~the noticing was better. 
Rich chocolate-eggy coloured landscape wrapped in felty green.
Silty holes filled with fresh rainfall magnifying paw prints, hair floating into grassy tufts, silvered mercury puddles with me in them. That watery girl half wanted to stay there, staring back skywards....
 ...I should have walked further...


  1. I love that you talked about the "noticing". We went for a walk in the woods on Saturday and it was fun to look and notice hidden treasures.

  2. it rained most of yesterday, i was stuck in the shop but it is so lovely to hear it trickle down after so many years of drought and a baking summer

  3. Lovely reflections and lovely writing. I should be walking further but the chocolate poundage is taking its toll on my feet :-)

  4. Just catching up here, and as always leaving delighted, with your flower circus and your marshy walk pictures :)

  5. Just beautiful!


  6. Just found you - lovely photos and words. Amazing buttercups! I need more buttercups, now that my tulips have lost all their beautiful petals!


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